Room-in-Attic: Things to Keep in When You Want to Exploit Attic Space
Instead of letting space lie fallow, you can convert your attic into constructive living space. You can use it as a bedroom, storage room, study room or nesting place for birds and other pets. Using the space in the attic helps you avoid many of the easement and zoning challenges that come with adding regular extensions to your house. Notably, utilising this space begins with the selection of an appropriate roof truss design that will enable you to get the right amount of space. For an existing roof truss, you may require modification before there is enough attic space for you. Keep the following things in mind if you are looking to exploit attic space in your house:
Structural Support
Exploiting attic space in your bedroom means that your house will have to deal with the additional weight. Therefore, it must be structurally sound to avoid devastating accidents during and after construction. If you have Internal beams and rafters that extend from the peak of the roof to the eaves (edges used for external gutters), then there is an open space at the centre, which you can exploit quite easily. However, W-shaped truss framing poses a challenge when you want to exploit attic space. You have to shore up and cut through the truss structure, compromising its strength. In some cases, it may not even be possible. It is advisable to consult a licensed architect or structural engineer before setting up the attic space.
Building Codes
Although building codes may seem stringent, they are there to guarantee your safety and wellbeing through quality and sustainable construction. Before you start working on the attic space, you should seek information about the relevant building code from your local authority department in charge of construction. Homeowners associations may also have some rules that you should adhere to. These regulations include ceiling codes specifying the minimum truss height and floor area that must be available to create a living space in the attic. You will also have to consider egress codes that touch on the number of entrances and exits into the attic space, including access modes like staircases and emergency ladder exits.
Utilities in the Attic
Talk to a licensed electrician to determine if you can have additional breakers for the electric load required in the attic. Furthermore, consider the heating, ventilation and air conditioning needs of the room in the attic. If your system cannot meet the ventilation needs of the attic space, then you should consider other alternatives like a window air conditioner.