What Will Determine The Overall Cost Of Your Individual Tree Removal Project?
Tree removal is something you may have to engage in as a tree owner. In typical cases, a healthy tree can become compromised during the storm season, causing it to lose its structural integrity. Alternatively, you may have a pest infestation on your property that will lead to internal damage to the tree. And in some other cases, you may simply need to remove a healthy tree from your property since it is becoming an impediment to sunshine, power lines or even your house! Whatever the reason may be, it is never in your best judgement to opt for DIY tree removal. If you think that tree removal will be expensive, it is worth noting that there is no set price for this service. This piece seeks to educate you on the factors that will determine the overall cost of your individual tree removal project.
The size of your tree
Typically, the larger the tree on your property is, the more it will cost to have it removed. However, this does not mean that the taller trees will automatically be more expensive. If the arborist needs a substantial amount of labour and a range of different types of machinery for a short and robust tree, then that removal can cost more than if the arborist were simply eliminating a tall, skinny tree. Therefore, you need to have the arborist inspect the size of the tree before they can give you an accurate estimate.
The location of your tree
Another factor that will dictate the complexity of the tree removal process is the location of the tree. If a tree is in the middle of your yard with ample space surrounding it, the removal process should be simple since the team will have ample space to manoeuvre around the tree. Conversely, if the tree is growing in close proximity to a busy road, power lines or a house, then more effort is needed to ensure that the tree can be felled without disrupting these things. Thus, if your tree is not obstructing anything, then the removal costs should be more affordable.
The structural integrity of your tree
You may be surprised to find that a tree that is on its last legs will be more affordable to remove than one that is healthy. Trees that are infested with termites or perhaps are weakened by disease are much easier to fell since their integrity is in jeopardy. Hence, if you have a dying tree on your property, you should not be concerned about exorbitant costs. A healthy tree, on the other hand, will need more robust equipment to uproot it since it is firmly grounded.